Course PHP/MySQL

Engage in an interactive PHP programming course tailored for beginners - comprehensive PHP training.

Master PHP and MySQL from the ground up! This online course comprehensively covers essential topics in the PHP programming language. Through PHP lessons, you will gain insights into object-oriented programming, variables, arrays, and much more.
4.6 / 1191
  • 69 lessons
  • 37 videos
  • 5 hours
  • Certificate

What you'll learn

This is a PHP and MySQL programming course for beginners. You will learn how to effectively learn the basics of PHP and learn how to create professional websites from scratch.

In PHP lessons you will learn:

  • How to configure a web server to work with PHP and databases
  • How to install XAMPP for Windows, OSX (MacOS)
  • How to manage databases using PHPMYADMIN
  • Basics of designing a MySQL database structure for your website
  • How to work with files using PHP
  • How to read data from XML/JSON files, process and automatically add data to the database
  • How to embed PHP scripts in an HTML page
  • Basic methods of protecting your website from hacking
  • What are arrays for, types of arrays and how to work with them
  • What are variables and constants
  • What are loops and how to use loops in your programs
  • How to use built-in functions in PHP
  • How to convert strings using PHP
  • What is polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance and OOP
  • How to work with MySQL, MariaDB databases
  • Why do you need the SQL query language and how to build SQL queries

And this is only a small part of what you will learn by taking PHP lessons. You can find out more about the PHP training plan below. Please note that PHP/MySQL is a theoretical course, without which knowledge it will be difficult for you to master PHP frameworks such as Codeigniter, Laravel, Yii2 and others.

Interactive training in PHP and MySQL will help you most effectively master the programming language from scratch. After completing the theoretical PHP/MySQL course, we recommend moving on to the course Linux /GIT/Hosting.


Below is the training program for PHP programming language and MySQL database. The training for PHP and MySQL is conducted online, allowing you to watch lessons at your convenience.

Reviews (519)

We exclusively gather genuine reviews from students who have successfully completed their online training at FructCode. Feel free to share your feedback after completing the PHP Programming Course for Beginners by exploring the PHP lessons.
Василий Кулев
6 years ago
Сложный в освоении курс
Игорь Прозоров
6 years ago
Очень интересный курс. Впервые получил доходчивое объяснение основ ООП.
Anton Ivantsov
6 years ago
Хороший курс и подача материалла.
6 years ago
Было невероятно интересно! Спасибо!
Иван Медведев
6 years ago
Курс даёт общее понимание php программирования,основные его направления. Обязательно необходимо дополнительное прочтение материала представленного в ссылках на курсе. Обязательно надо пробовать выполнять домашние задания, пробовать самостоятельно писать код на php. Курс даёт понимание куда надо двигаться в изучении языка, что читать, смотреть, изучать. Пожелание,что в некоторых уроках плохо виден код,может стоит переписать видео для лучшего просмотра. Учимся дальше.
6 years ago
Отличный курс!!!
Albert Shtana
6 years ago
Спасибо за курс!
Кристиан Мкртчян
6 years ago
Отличный курс!!! Спасибо!
Дмитрий Деменев
6 years ago
Спасибо, очень понравился, объяснение самое лучше что я читал. Спасибо. Продолжу по фреймворком обязательно.
Roman Sobotovych
6 years ago
Хороший курс!
Alexander Rozpadnyuk
6 years ago
Интересный курс для развития и расширения кругозора. Первая половина относится к общим основам программирования. Вторая часть более глубокая. Хотелось бы более подробного разбора форматов XML, JSON, а также библиотек для работы с ними. Это важные темы. Доп. задание c CURL, не для новичков, пришлось разбираться и потом оптимизировать производительность кода. По ООП хотелось бы увидеть практическое применение по отношению к FrontEnd-разработке. Основные принципы объяснены очень понято.
Vitalii Rusal
6 years ago


How is the training going?
The training is divided into video lectures, interactive tasks and tests. In video lectures you receive theoretical material and, with the help of interactive tasks, reinforce the theory in practice. You write code directly in the browser and instantly get the result of checking your code - whether it is correct or not. Almost every lesson has links to additional materials and source code.
When does the training start? Do I need to wait for the group to be full?
Will I receive a certificate after completing the course?
Why is the price so low?
Are the courses up-to-date?
What equipment is needed to take the course?
What should I do if I face difficulties during a task in training?
What is XP and why is it needed?
How can I participate in the rating?
I found your courses on other sites. Is there a difference in where I study?
What if the course is not suitable for me or I don't like it?
What should I do if my video lecture doesn't work or the assignment doesn't open?
If I still have questions regarding the course, who should I reach out to?


Сергей Никонов. Автор курса программирования HTML/CSS | FructCode
Sergei Nikonov
  • Founder of the FructCode project
  • Boasts over 15 years of expertise in web development
  • Worked in large companies in the USA and Europe on high-load web projects
  • Led numerous in-person and online seminars on web development

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