Course CodeIgniter

Codeigniter video course for beginners - training in the Codeigniter MVC framework

Explore Codeigniter, a user-friendly PHP framework ideal for novice programmers. The MVC (model-view-controller) architecture ensures your website code is both scalable and comprehensible.
4.8 / 232
  • 28 lessons
  • 26 videos
  • 5 hours
  • Certificate

What you'll learn

In the Codeigniter website programming course, you will not only learn the Codeigniter framework, but also program a professional KinoMonster website with the ability to watch movies, register, organize access to the site by role - guest, user, moderator, comments, search the site and other functionality.

In the Codeigniter PHP framework lessons you will learn:

  • How to install Codeigniter
  • What is CRUD and how you can use CRUD to manage website pages
  • What is the MVC (Model - View - Controller) pattern
  • How to integrate any layout into the Codeigniter framework
  • How to improve the software for promoting a website on the Internet
  • How to split the output of information into several pages in Codeigniter (Pagination)
  • How to link a MySQL database with Codeigniter
  • How to differentiate access to a site into roles (administrator, guest, moderator)
  • How to implement a search on a website using keywords
  • How to make comments on the site
In the Codeigniter course we implement the software part of the KinoMonster website. To do this, you will need knowledge from the courses HTML/CSS, Bootstrap 3, PHP/MySQL, Linux/GIT/Hosting.

After the Codeigniter course lessons, we recommend studying Javascript/jQuery course, for so that you can get a basic understanding of the Javascript language, the jQuery library, working with the DOM and events.


Reviews (97)


Как проходит обучение?
Обучение разделено на видео лекции, интерактивные задания и тесты. В видео лекциях вы получаете теоретический материал и с помощью интерактивных заданий закрепляете теорию на практике. Вы пишите код прямо в браузере и мгновенно получаете результат проверки вашего кода - верно или нет. Практически в каждом уроке есть ссылки на дополнительные материалы и исходный код.
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Сергей Никонов. Автор курса программирования HTML/CSS | FructCode
Sergei Nikonov
  • Founder of the FructCode project
  • Boasts over 15 years of expertise in web development
  • Worked in large companies in the USA and Europe on high-load web projects
  • Led numerous in-person and online seminars on web development